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简介:遵义锦之旅国际旅行社有限责任公司,成立于2008年3月,2016年1月经国家旅游局批准,交纳旅游质量保证金140万,获得遵义第一家具有出境旅游资质的国际社,注册资金两千万,经营许可证号:L-GZ-CJ00020。现为遵义旅游行业协会理事单位、遵义旅行社分会副会长单位。目前,公司经营业务范围:出境旅游,入境旅游、以及国内旅游业务。 锦之旅以“品牌化”、“规模化”、“网格化”为发展目标,致力于“市内成网、市外成链”的建设。公司一直秉承“诚信经营、质量求存”的理念。通过7年的不懈努力,在全市及周边县市设立68家门市, 200名优秀员工为游客提供全方位的旅游服务。日臻完善的全市网络和垂直管理模式,形成了锦之旅在全市旅行社中独特的优势,2012-2014年连续3年,“锦之旅”被重庆旅游联盟评为遵义地区“金牌旅行社”之称。2014年获得国航遵义地区***贡献奖,随着遵义机场航线不断增加,公司和各航空公司有了更深层次的合作,企业实力不断发展壮大!为此成立了业务知识中心、计调部,业务部,市场拓展部等,推进遵义旅游更加良性的发展。










简介:桂花山大酒店简介 Introduction of Guihuashan Hotel 桂花山大酒店是由遵义市播州区国有资产投资经营(集团)有限责任公司按照国家四星级标准投资改建,酒店建筑采用“老遵义”、“民国风”为外立面基本风格定位,演绎出具有传统时代特征的建筑外观,内装以现代中式风格,适度融入播州文化、沙滩文化符号形成酒店的整体装饰风格,昭示殷勤好客的东方传统待客之道,使酒店的文化属性、功能属性、精神感受达成高度统一。 Guihuashan Hotel is a four-Star hotel invested by Zunyi Bozhou State-owned Assets Investment and Management (Group) Co., Ltd. The appearance of the hotel is designed with “Old Zunyi” and “Republic of China” characteristics, while the inner space is decorated in modern Chinese style, incorporated with Bozhou and Shatan cultural symbols. It shows the oriental traditional hospitality and makes the culture, function and spirit highly integrated. 酒店位于遵义市播州区龙泉路23号,东临万亩桃花园、播雅湿地公园,西靠幽雅清静的桂花山森林公园,南接旅游集散地黔北记忆,北接遵义市南部新城区。酒店距离遵义新舟机场40分钟车程,距离遵义火车站20公里,贵遵高速播州区马家湾收费站出站5分钟车程即到,交通便利、环境清幽。 Guihuashan hotel is located in the No.23 Longquan Road, Bozhou District, Zunyi City, bordered by large peach blossom garden and Boya Wetland Park on the East, Guihuashan Forest Park on the West, Qian Bei Memory Tourism Center on the South, and Zunyi new urban district on the North. It is 40-minute drive to Zunyi Xinzhou Airport and 20 km to Zunyi Railway Station. 酒店占地面积135亩,主体建筑(三栋)总面积约4.6万平方米,其中包括馨桂楼14476平方米,香桂楼8969平方米,雅桂楼7096平方米。酒店拥有装修精致、豪华、温馨舒适的不同类型客房,共计180套、床位数291个;拥有各类多功能厅、宴会包间、会议室等配套设施,可同时容纳近2000人用餐或开会。 The hotel covers an area of 22 acres, including three main buildings with an area of 46,000 m², Xingui building 14,476 m²,Xianggui building 8,969 m² and Yagui building 7096 m² .There are 180 rooms and 291 beds in the hotel, with exquisite, luxury , warm and comfortable different types. Besides accommodation, it also provides multifunctional halls, banquet halls and conference rooms, and can be used for 2,000 people dining or conference at the same time. 桂花山大酒店是集住宿、餐饮、会议、娱乐为一体的精品现代化酒店,也是播州区具有代表性的标志性建筑及城市名片。 Guihuashan Hotel is a fantastic and modern hotel equipped with accommodation, catering, conference and entertainment. It is a landmark of the Bozhou District and an icon of the city. 馨桂楼: Xingui Building 馨桂楼层数7层,地下一层,地上6层,配有客用电梯3台,服务电梯2台。 There are 7 floors in Xinggui building, 6 floors above ground and one under, with 3 passenger lifts and two service lifts. 1F为酒店大堂及部分客房区域。豪华气派、宽敞明亮的酒店大堂功能齐全:大堂吧、全日餐厅、商务中心、精品店、贵重物品保管室、行李寄存室等一应俱全。 The first floor includes the hotel lobby and some accommodation rooms. The bright and spacious lobby is equipped with multiple functions, including a coffee bar, an all-day restaurant, a business center, a shop and a treasure room. 1-5F为客房区域。酒店拥有豪华楼层、无烟楼层和行政楼层。装修豪华、温馨、舒适、高雅的豪华双床房、豪华大床房、行政大床房、行政豪华大床房、行政套房等共计180套,床位数291个。专属定制的管家为您在酒店居停期间提供精致、周到、圆满、美好的服务并留下深刻的回忆。 Floors 1-5 are divided into deluxe, nonsmoking and executive floors, distributed with 180 guest rooms and 291 beds, including deluxe double rooms, deluxe king-bed rooms, executive king-bed rooms, executive deluxe king-bed rooms and executive suites. Customized housekeeper will provide guests with thoughtful and excellent service. -1F为安全便捷的地下车场。设施一流的地下停车场为您提供安全的停车保障。 B1 is a convenient underground parking lot. The first-class facilities will ensure the parking security. 香桂楼: Xianggui Building 香桂楼位于酒店馨桂楼的北侧。可容纳1160人同时就餐及开会的多功能厅被誉为“遵义第一厅”。能同时容纳40人就餐的宴会大桌,被业界亲切的称之为“遵义第一桌”。另外还拥有大小宴会包间23间、各类会议室5间、棋牌娱乐室4间。可为宾客提供特色餐饮及地方传统菜式,为您在闲暇之余的休闲娱乐、用餐、会议带来愉悦,是您在此接待亲朋好友、贵宾及商务客人理想之地,同时也是您商务旅行、休闲度假的“家外之家”。国家烹饪大师领衔的厨师团队将用爱心为您展示极高超的厨艺,让您在桂花山大酒店就能领略到舌尖上的中国。 Xianggui building lays to the north of the Xingui building. The multifunctional room in this building can accommodate up to 1160 people for dining or conference, which is the largest and best multifunctional room in the city. The banquet table which can be used for 40 people using dinner at the same time is also well known as the largest and best one in Zunyi. Besides, it has 23 banquet rooms, 5 meeting rooms, 4 chess and cards rooms. The national level chefs provide guests with delicious specialty and local traditional flavor food. It is a fantastic place to meet with friends, or enjoy time with family. It makes you feel at home when you are in business trip or holidays. 雅桂楼: Yagui Building 雅桂楼位于馨桂楼的南侧。拥有多功能报告厅、室内恒温游泳池、保龄球馆、乒乓球室、台球室、健身房、高档理疗SPA、精致茶坊、KTV等,是您理想的休闲、健身娱乐场所。 The Yagui building is seated to the south of the Xingui building. There is a multifunctional lecture hall, an indoor swimming pool with constant temperature, a bowling alley, a table tennis room, a poolroom, a gym, a SPA room , a tea house and KTV in this building. It is an ideal place for leisure, fitness and entertainment. 外围环境: Outside Environment 酒店园区独具“播州文化、沙滩文化“符号,并集聚栽植以各种名贵桂花和植物装饰的花园绿地,是您在茶余饭后散步、小憩的理想休闲之地;除此之外,我们的室外草坪为您在此举办温馨、浪漫的西式婚礼提供了高贵优雅的场所,并为您的一生留下美好的回忆。 The park in the hotel is dressed with famous Osmanthus followers and various kinds of plants. It’s a good place for taking a walk after dinner. And the lawn in the garden can also be used for a western-style outdoor wedding. The warm and romantic environment will help to leave a beautiful memory in your life. 桂花山大酒店,城市的后花园,空气清新的天然氧吧,让你放松身心,远离尘世污染和喧嚣,宾客置身于酒店内,既能享受到现代科技带给您的舒适,又感受到传统文化带给您的愉悦。 Guihuashan hotel , an oxygen bar full of fresh air, the back garden of the city, is a good place to relax yourself, and get away from city pollution and noise. The advanced technology of the hotel will make you feel quite comfortable, and traditional culture will deliver you great pleasure.. 经营定位:以政务、商务接待为核心,兼具旅游及社会大众消费接待的完全服务型酒店。 发展目标:按照现代企业管理制度要求,遵循酒店业市场发展规律,以人为本,科学管理经营酒店。社会效益,经济效益并重,把桂花山大酒店建设成为“播州最好,遵义一流”的高星级完全服务型酒店。 经营理念:一流的产品质量,亲民的消费价格,高星级的服务品质,拚搏创新的管理团队。 核心价值观:重管理、创品牌、增效益、提品质 人才理念:注重实绩 拓宽选人 切实以公开、平等、竞争、择优原则,让酒店留得住人才,看得见希望,能进能出、能上能下的选人用人机制。 环保理念:节能减排 降低成本 推广健康的生活方式 安全理念:安全责任重于泰山,利益轻于鸿毛,人防技防并重,事故预防为主,全员共同参与,管理人人有责。 道德理念:宾客为先 关爱员工 相互尊重 和谐共荣 用心极致 锲而不舍 学无止境 追求卓越 团队建设:团结 创新 廉洁 尽职 专业 高效

